Coffee and Weight Loss

We all have our favorites when it comes to coffee. Dark Roast, French Roast, Columbian, Kona and so on. I love a Dark French Roast and my sister likes the grounds to barely stroll through the water. Some of us have circled the globe trying different coffees and coffee adventures. As a Commodity, it is second only to Oil. The aroma from fresh ground beans is intoxicating! The first sip makes us feel fabulous; tingly all over. There are some of us that don’t talk until we’ve had at least 2 cups of coffee (Me) and shouldn’t be spoken to until we’ve had those 2 cups of coffee.

But, when it comes to Coffee and Losing Weight, up until now, we’ve been doing it all wrong. It is not about drinking a “coffee” that is supposed to help you lose weight. We all know those weight-loss coffee drinks don’t work, or if they do, it doesn’t work for everyone and or it doesn’t work for very long. But, we keep trying them over and over again hoping for a different result (I think that is the definition of insanity). Plus, to make matters worse, the ingredients are usually banned shortly after the product release to the marketplace.

But Wait!! We now have plôsthermo as a result of bio-hacking genus. This amazing product comes in a “SNAP” that you simply squeeze into your favorite hot or cold beverage of choice. Relax and Enjoy! Its a non-dairy creamer with a French Vanilla flavor (that actually tastes good), and enhances your already favorite brew or beverage.

We get to lose weight through this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer that enhances our mood, uplifts our spirts and helps with thermogenic properties to burn that stored (unwanted) fat. How cool is that?!

This product with an amazing delivery system is the Best Discovery since Coffee was introduced to the New World.  Like creamer for your Coffee, plôsthermo adds a richness and a tasty French Vanilla flavor to your beverage of choice. To boost your alertness and help you lose weight, add this boost “SNAP” to your favorite beverage including water. This works by running your Fat Cells through your pancreas and turning them into muscle cells. This is how you lose weight!!!

Make Your Morning Coffee Taste Even Better!!!

Most people who drink Coffee are hard to approach until they have had at least 2 or 3 cups in the morning. And, some don’t engage with the world until they consume those 2 or 3 cups. Furthermore, most if not all people who drink coffee have their favorite brand. With this amazing product, there is no need to change anything except to add it to your coffee (or beverage of choice). Best of all, you will lose weight. How does 10-20 pounds a month?! You will find the results absolutely thrilling! Rid your body of those unwanted inches around your waste and thighs. Be sure to eat normally so your blood sugar levels remain stable.

For people that tend to over eat, this will hep to curb your appetite. And, this is a good way to lose weight. Thanks to the mood enhancing qualities of this product it helps with emotional eating as well. I am an emotional eater and have been my entire life. Food is how everyone in my family expresses love and deals with all emotions; anger, boredom, sadness, stress and so forth. Consequently, I never really learned to recognize my bodies cues to feeling full and to stop eating. I’ve tried all kinds of diets, calorie counting (obsessively), measuring everything, hypnosis. diet soup, et cetera, et cetera. While they worked for a while, I always seem to gain the lost pounds back plus an additional 20 or 25 at the same time.

Adding plôsthermo to my morning coffee makes my day great. I can focus on the important stuff in my life (taking care of my family, meditation, spiritual communication, work, etc.) and not constantly thinking of food. If you are one of those people that drinks coffee all day long, you will want to limit adding this to only one cup in the morning. Otherwise, you’ll be up all night long. Best of all, we don’t need to make any changes to our lifestyle with this fabulous “SNAP.” No need to exercise! No need to be on any Special Diets! No need to measure out or count anything! With this Scientific Miracle, we can literally eat our cake and lose weight. We can do it all!!!

Bran, Zlem and Uuth “SNAPS”

Besides the Coffee-Creamer “SNAP,” we also have “SNAPs” for our brains; hair, skin, and nails; and better sleep. I start my day by taking my uüthor what I call my personal Fountain of Youth. This miracle potion helps my hair grow long and feel silky soft, my skin feel smooth and soft and my nails are growing about a 1/8 of an inch each month. They look like professionally created gel or acrylic nails; but, they are all mine! Also, this little SNAP has the extra bonus of Collagen so it helps with joint issues as well.

Miracle Food for Your Brain!!

About 10 minutes after taking my uüth™, I take my brān®. This miracle potion helps me clear any lingering brain fog and focus on what I need to accomplish during the day. In addition, it helps maintain energy and enjoy a happy mood through out the day! I quickly follow brān® with my first cup of coffee including my plôsthermo coffee-creamer SNAP. If I have an extra busy, stressful day, I may take another brān® after lunch just for an extra boost. This is usually the Lemon Drop flavor added to a cup of hot green tea.

Miracle Sleep Potion!!

Finally, about 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep, I take my zlēm® or what I call my Miracle Sleep Potion. I’ve struggled with sleep issues for most of my adult life. I’ve always had a hard time turning my mind off at the end of the day. And, if I manage to fall asleep, but have to get up in the middle of the night for any reason, I struggle falling back to sleep. Well, not anymore!

This amazing zlēm® sleep potion helps me fall asleep fast and stay asleep. If I do need to get up during the night for any reason (a trip to the bathroom for instance), I have no trouble falling back to sleep as soon as I crawl back into bed and my head touches the pillow. I wake up feeling well rested and refreshed even if I’ve only gotten 5 to 6 hours of sleep. Even after sleeping for 8 or more hours a night, I would wake up to the blaring alarm feeling like I had never been to sleep. I would wake up feeling even more exhausted than when I went to bed the night before. Therefore, I slogged through my day in a complete fog!

After taking these amazing SNAPs I feel so much better. I look forward to taking them now and I look forward to taking them throughout the day. You will too. It will change your life just as it did mine.


I hope you find this information a beneficial addition to your quest to discover more about coffee and weight loss. But if you don’t like coffee, you can add this amazing tasting creamer to your beverage of choice such as hot cocoa, soda pop, or even water. I haven’t tried it yet, but my friend Stacy says this French Vanilla flavored creamer and coconut water is fantastic!