Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Healthy Homemade Dog Food!
Food That Will Make You Jealous!

Are you searching for Healthy Homemade Dog Food for your fur baby?! Then look no further because you just found the answer: The Farmer’s Dog: The Real Food for Dogs!!! We have all seen the news reports about our best friends being poisoned by the food and treats we’ve purchased for them. Purchased from “trusted” makers of well-known, name-brand dog foods and treats. Believing we are buying quality products for our furry family members only to find heartbreak!!!

Healthy Homemade Dog Food ~ Real Food For Your Best Friend!!!

This food contains large amounts of high-quality proteins and blends of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Thereby giving them the nutrition they need to be healthy and live a much longer, happier life. The Farmer’s Dog provides fresh balanced dog food for a long, happy, healthy life. Vet-developed, personalized meal plans formulated just for your dog. Start your trial today and save 60%. This trial offer is available only through our members-only, tiered loyalty program!

Almost every so-called “natural” or “healthy” dog food available online, at your local pet store or supermarket all have the same issue: Too many ingredients, most of which are unsafe for your fur baby. Plus, these dog foods are very expensive and inconvenient. With just a few simple and healthy ingredients, we have created real food you can give to your dog each and every day. Real food that you can pronounce and even humans would eat. Real food that tastes so good you may even be jealous.

Healthy Homemade Dog Food: The Farmer’s Dog!

All of the recipes are made with ingredients you can purchase at your local grocery store. Everyone knows a home-cooked meal with your family is the healthiest meal. The same is true for your dog. Our fur babies deserve healthy, home-cooked meals as well!!! Real food, chef-created, nutritionally balanced meals for dogs. Quick and easy, extremely affordable meals.

Real Ingredients, No Synthetics, Dog Optimized!!!

The simple ingredients in these recipes give your dog all the nutrition he or she needs. All without any preservatives, fillers, or additives. And, all recipes are 100 percent GMO-free, low in carbohydrates, zero synthetics, rich in nutrients, and fit for human consumption. You can see exactly what fresh ingredients are in your dog’s food. Our carefully, chef-created recipes have only 5 simple ingredients on average. All of which you can pronounce, get at your local grocery store, and even eat yourself!!! This makes it clear how dramatically superior this food is to processed, store-bought dog foods.

Better for Them! Easier for You!

Once you start feeding your fur baby “Real Food,” you’ll immediately see they are experiencing a variety of noticeable health benefits. Amazing health benefits such as a healthier weight, less itchy skin, healthier joints, bones, and muscles; less shedding and a softer, shinier coat, and no more stinky dog breath. Furthermore, on top of these already amazing benefits, “Real Food” is full of vitamins and antioxidants promoting immune health and protecting your dog from getting sick. Plus, “Real Food” provides essential omegas 3-6-9 and fatty acids promoting brain health keeping your dog sharp, focused, and alert for years to come. And last, but not least, the “Real Food” ingredients help to fight cancer, support healthy vision, healthy liver and kidney function, and a healthy heart. Adding quality years to your four-legged friends’ life no matter if they are a puppy or a “doggy senior!!!”

Fast ~ Tasty ~ Affordable ~ Simple

Are you eating the same meal every day?! How about the same meal every day for a Week, for a Month, or for a Year?! What if you are eating the exact same meal every day for your entire life?! You would go stark raving mad, right?! Well, that is basically what we are doing to our dogs. We pick a brand and feed it to them for their entire lives. Can you believe they are still willing to love us?! To enhance your dog’s health they need variety in their diet just as much as we do. Providing variety in your dog’s food allows them to experience different flavors and textures. Enjoy!!!

We cannot eat the same thing over and over with no variation and meet all of our nutritional needs. Well, neither can our dogs. Each food ingredient has a different nutritional value. Different amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutritional components are found in each food ingredient. By feeding our dogs a variety of foods, we are giving them the experience of a more complete nutritional approach and the benefits of more than one food.

Every Dog Should Eat “Real Food!!!”

After constantly eating the same textures, flavors, and even brands, some dogs find their food boring and may even develop allergies or sensitivity to common ingredients. The Real Food Cookbook for Dogs contains over 100 Recipes giving your fur baby all the food variety they need. Favorites such as Doggy Chicken Delight, Apple Crunch Pupcakes, Bow Wow Burritos, Doggie Quiche, Labrador Loaf, or Potatoes Au Canine. Each recipe in this amazing cookbook is made from REAL simple ingredients providing your dog with ideal nutrition as they would eat in the wild. And, they are all human-grade quality! There is no other dog food on earth as good as the food you make in your own kitchen!!!