Take Photos and Get Paid

Take Photos and Get Paid ~ Do you have your smartphone with you at all times? Do you take photographs every where you go? Do your friends and family constantly compliment you on your photography skills? Are they always telling you you should be selling your photos? Well, now with this Fabulous Network of Potential Buyers, you can easily start selling your photos today!!! Just upload your photos and instantly sell to millions of Buyers!!!


The Network:

Our network is here to help you sell your photos to thousands of potential buyers. Buyers that need them for websites, catalogs, books, magazines, ads, and a variety of other uses.

How Does It Work?!

Take Photos ~ All you have to do is grab your camera or smartphone and start taking photos!!!
Where Do I Work ~ You work online as a freelance photographer!!!
Be your own boss ~ Work when and where you want!!! 
Upload ~ Upload and instantly sell to millions of potential buyers!!!
Earnings ~ There is no limit to the amount you can earn! The more pictures you submit, the more money you can make!!!

Do You Live Outside The US?!

No Problem!!! No matter where you live you can get paid to take photos!!! Our network is extremely popular not only in the United States; but, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and many other European countries as well!!!

Join Now and Start Making Money!!!

GO HERE and start your Premium Membership Today! Make Money or your Money Back!!!

Your Premium Membership includes access to our Step-by-Step Guides, our Job Database, Daily e-Mail Support, and Limitless Income Opportunities!!! Plus, we are adding new content to our Network every month!!!

The Network Fee

Try this amazing Network for 5 days for just $1. After that the monthly fee is $27. There is no contract so you can cancel at anytime. We offer a 60-day money back guarantee for your safety. So if you cancel within the first 60 days, we will refund our money back with no questions asked.!!!

Tips to Kick-Start Your Career in Photography!!!

Don’t Stress About Your Equipment:

You don’t need to have fancy camera equipment to take great photographs. Your technique is more important than your equipment. Actually, in most cases, you can do the job with your smartphone. The smartphones of today typically have high-resolution sensors that produce astonishingly sharp images.

Use a Tripod Whenever Possible:

Don’t let shaky hands stop your from capturing the perfect shot. Professional photographers suggest using a tripod whenever possible. A tripod will improve your stability and help you frame better images. Also, it is a must-have item when taking time lapse or long-exposure photographs.

The Rule of Thirds; Your New Best Friend:

A photo’s compositions is one way to know if your are looking at an amateur’s work or not. Inexperienced photographers have a tendency to put their subjects in the middle of the frame. This often results in boring predictable images that no one wants to see.

The Rule of Thirds is one of the better-known composition strategies and and is perfect for beginners. To use the Rule of Thirds, divide your shot’s frame into thirds, both horizontally and vertically. Then position your subject along one of the lines. By placing your subject in the intersections or along the lines increases your photos balance and enables the a viewer to interact more naturally with the image. Thus, increasing your image’s visual interest.

Don’t Standstill in One Spot:

As you are taking pictures, keep your feet moving. Try crouching down, standing on a chair, laying on the ground, or going in circles around your subject. If you stand in one spot, you’ll keep taking the same picture over and over again. Therefore, keep your feet moving and take a variety of different shots.

Experiment with Light:

Light is an essential part of any photograph. And, the more you pay attention to it the better you’ll become at using it to your advantage. You can read all about the different types of light. However, it is best to experiment with various lighting sources so you gain first-hand knowledge of the differences!!! For example, watch the differences between natural versus artificial light, early morning versus afternoon or evening light, direct sunlight versus overcast daylight, or flash versus no flash. Be sure and make note of how the different types of lighting shapes the shadows and exposures in your pictures.

Learn to Focus:

The most important thing to learn about your camera, even if it is a smartphone, is how the focus feature works. The focus is what gives you clean, crisp pictures. For example, focusing on someone’s face is too broad of a subject. It is best to focus on a specific feature of your subject such as one eye or another specific facial feature.

Shoot First Then Crop:

When you are capturing a close-up image, you’ll probably want to zoom in for the perfect shot. However, it is best to make sure you take some wider shots as well. By moving away from your subject and taking wider-angle frames, you’ll have more depth and perspective in your photos. You can always crop or resize the image at a latter time. Since today’s cameras (and smartphones) have such high resolution, you can do this without giving up any quality.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

The best advice for any amateur photographer is to just keep taking pictures. As with any art form, practice is the best way to improve your skills. Remember practice makes perfect so just keep taking pictures.

So, What is Stopping You?! GO HERE and Put Your Photography Skills to Work For You!!!